Saturday, April 24

Book Giveaway: Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict

Gentle readers. The paperback version of Laurie Viera Rigler's Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict is out. Who can resist the striking blue and purple cover? Readers who live in the US and Canada are eligible to win. All you need to do is leave a comment. Here is the topic: You meet a Regency miss who has mysteriously appeared in your living room. She is all discombobulated and upset at her situation, and doesn't know where she is or how to get back. What's the first thing you will teach her to help her live in the 21st century?

The contest is open until mid day May 8, EST US. The winner will be announced in the afternoon of May 8.


  1. I guess the first thing I would teach her is how to use an iphone. There's prob an ap for acquainting yourself with the 21st century. lol

    donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

  2. I would teach her about jeans. ;)

  3. Ask her if she can but suspend disbelief for a moment, she can enter into the wonders that are to be found here. Things that are less than wondrous, well, a lady need not discompose herself to notice them.

  4. Harriet4/24/2010

    I'd teach her how to steep a modern tea bag- we'd have much to discuss about her sudden arrival and travels :D

  5. Always stop when the light is red. Don't want to find out what happens if she doesn't understand that.

  6. The wonders of indoor plumbing. It's practical, and one of the coolest changes since chamberpots.

  7. I would tell her about technology changes.

  8. Oh how fun and such a great give-away! Hmmmm, first thing I would do is make a pot of tea, bake some scones then sit down and ask her what skills & knowledge she already knows. Then based on her answers I would go from there. Some daily basics would be to show her how to use the kitchen appliances, the television... then we would go shopping! That in itself would be a hoot! ha ha

  9. Anonymous4/24/2010

    I would teach the young lady to use a computer and navigate the internet. She could then find information about any topic and directions to any destination.

  10. I would teach her about modern conveniences and technology, like electric lights, toilets, telephone, television, computer, etc. Things that seem vital to us today, but would be totally foreign to a lady from the Regency era.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hmm.. I think the first thing I would do is teach her how the internet. She can find out whatever she needs to know from there!

  13. Sounds interesting, I've been wanting to read this!

    I'd teach her how to turn on the electric lights, then we might do some baking or watching Austen adaptations on TV so she could tell me what historically incorrect. :)

  14. mkayvt4/24/2010

    Love the ideas...not posting a comment because I already own and have read this sequel but encourage everyone to post! Whoever wins this is in for a great, fun read!! ENJOY :)

  15. Two words: Feminine hygiene.

    A woman is so much more ABLE and FREE to do all that is required of her due to the advances in this area from my guest's native time.

    Some products might overwhelm, but some of them might just seem downright convenient.

  16. I think I'd start with clothes and work my way up from there.

  17. Anonymous4/24/2010

    I'd teach her how to flush a toilet and use a can opener.

  18. I can't wait to read this book! Great giveaway! I'd show her how to use modern amenities that we take for granted like electricity, television, air conditioner, internet, take her for a ride in my car, etc.

  19. the first thing i would teach her is how to turn on the light. i'd love to see her face astonished as if it were magic i shown her how to do. hehehe!

  20. the first thing i would teach her is how to turn the lights on. id love to see her astonished face is if it is magic i have shown her how to do! hehe!

  21. the first thing i would teach her is how to turn the lights on. id love to see her astonished face is if it is magic i have shown her how to do! hehe

  22. Light switches. Or a smartphone.

  23. The shower. Cause surely she'd probably stink to the high heavens considering she'd had her last over a week ago. ;-)

  24. Regency Miss, meet flushing toilet and hot shower and the wonderful beauty of antibacterial soap!

  25. I would start by showing her electrical lights, indoor plumbing, and than perhaps start with an atlas of the world. Best not to overwhelm at first!

  26. Anonymous4/24/2010

    The coffeemaker.

  27. Marissa4/25/2010

    Pads and tampons. And Advil! I sure she would LOVE the 21st century afterwards.

  28. I would definitely teach her about deodorant and all of the other important norms of feminine hygiene.

    And then, like someone else said, I would probably show her the internet, a whole bunch of Regency fan fiction, and force her to sit down with me and watch all of the adaptations of Pride and Prejudice to see if things were like that!

    And then I would beg to switch wardrobes with her because that would be just so fun, assuming I could get my leg into those tiny dresses of old!

  29. I would introduce her to the wonders of hot water and indoor plumbing!

    saetaafricanus (!at)

  30. Meredeth R.4/25/2010

    I would teach her to have a stiff drink and breathe slowly and deeply. I'd then introduce her to electricity and plumbing!

  31. I would teach her not to bow at anyone! After that I'd go in order...beginning with what not to wear!

  32. I'd teach her how to join Twitter and have her follow @janeaustenworld :) She'd have ALL sorts of help there from your tweeps especially a certain @austen_addict! Not only do all of us there know how to live in the present day but we're all so obsessed with the past, that we'd already be familiar with her background to help her adjust!

    Fun giveaway!

  33. How to use the computer and research using Google. She could then catch up with all the history. And if things got a bit overwhelming, I just might encourage her in a glass of wine or 2. :-)

  34. how to drive in traffic thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

  35. Dear, dear....this miss MUST first be put at ease. First, she must freshen up a her the lavratory and how to manage it.
    Next, tea and biscuits? Then converstaion: her sharing a tidbit or two from her era, and me one from mine.

  36. Bathing DAILY and fresh air...then the rest !!!

  37. After she recovered from fainting, the first thing that I would do is introduce myself to the Regency Miss and then help her in the art of survival of the 21st Century by first things first...the most important thing of us ladies in any century is femine hygiene ranging from bath to using a electric shaver for the legs and other things.

    Secondly would be the clothes and then relaxing over a cup of chinese green tea along with scones as we share our stories of survival from each of our time period, Regency and the 21st Century.

  38. I am loving all of your comments--so clever and funny!

  39. I would help her learn all the ways in which a modern woman of our time is much more free to do and be and live as she pleases than one of her own time, and that if she chooses to stay rather than return she will find that she is not under the sometimes arbitrary and careless dictate of her nearest male relative. However, I would have to tell her that with these social advances have come several drawbacks: don't expect a gentleman (even by modern standards) to hold a door for you; modern fashion can't hold a candle to the elegance of Regency modes of dress; and the modern work schedule leaves little time for leisurely socializing.

  40. I would start with telling her directly, "Men are not to be trusted!!" They are not here to take care of you, you must take care of yourself. ;)

  41. I'd show her how to use a washer, dryer, and microwave. She'd quickly forget the place she left behind.

  42. Felicia4/27/2010

    I think I would teach her about the modern restroom. Starting by letting her take a nice warm shower. I believe one would have to start off slow as not to frighten her. :)

    felicials @ gmail. com

  43. For starters, I'd most likely share the things we take for granted now: running water, chamber pots that empty themselves, illumination that has far less of a chance of burning down your home, and the joys of the technological advances in coffee making.

  44. Err, umm, interesting comments! While there certainly some things I could not help with, I think the internet answer seems like a good place to start.

  45. After giving her a tour of the "water closet," I would probably introduce her to a computer---specifically, Wikipedia.

  46. The first thing I would teach her would be about human interactions, ¨man and woman touch all the time, so dont get freak out when someone wants to hugh you or kiss you, this is part of saying Hello!¨

  47. I would probably show her my cell phone first since it's with me 24/7! After that, I would show her other technological advancements I can't live computer, TV, car, microwave, etc.

  48. My first thought was to share a cuppa. Then tackle basic things around the home as were suggested by many others. Then the computer and other technology in case she just happened to be our Jane. Think of all the little bits of paper she would save if she could read it on the screen. Teaching her how to minimize the screen at a moments notice would be important to hide that important work.

  49. First I'd sit her down with a cup of tea and tell her about indoor plumbing. Then move onto Facebook.

  50. This poor ducky..I haven't a clue but I suppose I'd try to answer her questions and make her at home.

  51. It's nearly impossible to figure out where to begin, isn't it? I think I'd show her a Jane Austen book on a Kindle. Wouldn't it be fun for her compare the two reading experiences and play with a Kindle?

  52. I think the first thing I would teach her is how to use a phone. That way, if she escapes the house before I can teach her everything she needs to know about 21 century life, I can still reach her/find her. Then, I would set about preparing her for all the chaos that this century brings.

    writrchick92 at sbcglobal dot net

  53. Anonymous4/27/2010

    Be careful crossing the street.


  54. The first thing I would teach her is the new ways of living. Such as women with rights, and all the opportunities for women. More importantly i would teach her how to use a computer and how to enjoy a frappuccino at starbucks!

  55. Kristen4/27/2010

    that girls don't have to wear corsets or long dresses

  56. I would teach her that technological advancements in communication and transportation have caused our world to speed up in nearly every way, so be patient with yourself and with us, it will take some time to adjust.

  57. I would totally take her shopping! Introduce her to a wonderbra and we'll have a corset burning! lol I'd teach her that there are few things in this world as important as a pair of well fitting jeans!

  58. What is there to teach a "woman"
    No one need to teach a woman to collect herself and face the world.
    It comes from within her.
    Just be with her and she will rule over the world!

  59. I would teach her about using credit cards. She is a lady and would not be expected to know how to care for herself...she must be able to purchase the goods and services she requires.

  60. What a fun topic! I think I'd show her how to use a tv first. So many life lessons can be learned this way. The Seinfeld series ought to do the trick.


  61. After surviving a dose of vertigo, I will first calm her down by teaching her some yoga and meditation. Going through time and the fear of being stuck in the 21st century is huge! Afterwards, I will show her some modern day appliances and I will end the day by letting her have a bubble bath :D. I'll save the Internet for later. She might be scarred by how quick everything is.

  62. I would teach her how to use an electric kettle - a proper cup of tea always settles one's nerves. Then I'd teach her all about modern clothing!

  63. Anonymous5/01/2010

    Wow, that's a hard one...there's so much to teach!

    To be honest...probably how to manage her new "toilette": toilet, shower, throw on jeans and a tee, brush your hair, all set!

  64. How have I not found your blog(s) until tonight? I think this book sounds wonderful, would love to win it.

    I would teach her all about pop culture, and start off by showing her all of the best reality tv shows.

  65. I am thinking of Elizabeth Bennett and her love of reading so, of course, I would teach her how to use a computer and start her own book blog!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Personal hygiene! She'd never want to leave our century. ;-)

    whitreidsmama at yahoo dot com

  67. DEODORANT! And with that we would usher in a conversation about all the unladylike topics that are now fair game for general discussion!

  68. Modern restroom facilities and how to flush, Internet and how to navigate, Smartphone and how to IM, TV and how to change channels, cars and how to drive and most importantly, how to find a job or make a career for herself so that she can be the independent woman she was striving to be.

  69. Flush toilets and tampons and laptops, oh my!

    Fun giveaway. Count me in!

  70. I would teach her how to use technology - mostly cellphones and the Internet.

  71. Anonymous5/06/2010

    Well, this is a difficult situation for her so she must be put at ease. Tea and a chair are familiar enough to do for the present until our guest has retained composure. And then onto fashion, as this is something she will be able to relate to talking about. So i'd bring her into my bedroom and explain how the fashions have changed and allow her to experiment with my wardrobe. Perhaps we should start with dresses first...they are the least foreign.

  72. I would introduce her to the Internet. It would be like The Fifth Element when Leeloo stays up for days learning about all the years she missed. And of course, get her some new clothes!

  73. After reading all of your comments, I'd say my heroine is in excellent hands! Thanks, everyone!

  74. And many thanks to Jane Austen Today for hosting such a fun and creative giveaway!

  75. Anonymous5/07/2010

    I would provide her with a snapshot of 21st Century.First of all,she would be the recipient of my skinny Jeans,plumping lip gloss,stilettos and hypoallergenic deodorant.We would DRIVE then, my new convertible(stereo sound,CD playing 'blackeye peas') to Burger King where,once comfortably seated in a red vinyl booth,we would share (endure) a juicy WHOPPER Jr and flavorful FRAPPUCCINO.In between bites and glorious sips we would be 'googling' the last 193 years of History of the World (she'll love my beautiful magenta 'mini laptop')& simultaneously I would 'Twit' the following message to 'my peeps':"OMG,OMG,Jane is here#rudeawakenings.How COOL is that" )<<Unfortunately poor Jane never made it to the Mall!Instead she was transported STAT by EMS to the ER and admitted to ICU with PSTD(post traumatic stress disorder)(:

  76. I'd teach her how to use the remote controls.

    Cindy W.

