Saturday, December 22

Competing Visions: Northanger Abbey in Film and Illustration

Click here to enter an interesting site about Northanger Abbey. As the website's developer said,
"The purpose of this website is to provide a lasting instructional resource for teachers and any other admirer of Austen's imaginative vision." In this website, key episodes from the original text of Austen’s Northanger Abbey are compared to Charles Edmund Brock’s illustrations and scenes from the 1987 BBC film adaptation. Click here to view a postcard filled with Brock's illustrations of scenes in Pride & Prejudice.

Here's another interesting link to a 1989 article in Persuasions that discusses "Illustrating Jane Austen," by Keiko Parker. In it, C.E. Brock's work is compared and contrasted favorably to another Austen illustrator, Hugh Thomson.

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