Wednesday, December 26

Win A Free Copy of The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James

Oh, my, Ms. Place has access to two free copies of The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen to give to two very lucky readers. (Thank you Avon publishers!) In this novel, written as a memoir, Jane Austen meets Frederick Ashford, the love of her life. As described by Syrie James, Mr. Ashford is a worthy suitor indeed. He is a gentleman with the intellectual heft and monetary means to keep Jane in as many stimulating conversations, quill pens, and bonnets as she desires.
Here is how you can win one of two copies of the book:

A Suitor for Jane

Pretend you are one of Jane Austen's parents. Describe in two or three sentences the kind of gentleman that would be worthy to win Jane's hand in marriage. What sort of man would you accept as a suitable husband for our favorite author?

Then place your description in my comment section. If you feel uncomfortable writing a description, simply list the suitor's attributes. Oh, and you may place an icon of this paragon of husbandhood alongside your description.

The contest is open until January 1. I will then choose the five best answers. Starting January 2, the readers of this blog will have one week to vote for the best suitor!

Let the contest begin!!

Update: The comment section is closed. A poll will go up tomorrow afternoon for voting.


  1. Anonymous12/21/2007

    tall, black hair
    educated at Oxford or Eton
    avid reader
    good listener
    he's taken the Grand Tour
    serious and gentle
    not rakishly handsome, but nice looking
    likes to dance and converse
    a gentleman with independent means

  2. Anonymous12/21/2007

    looks won't matter....but will help
    fairly tall
    well spoken
    well read
    broad minded
    slightly mysterious
    Has to love his family
    good sense of humor

  3. Very nice start! I like both descriptions. If you want a chance at winning a copy of The Lost Memoirs, make sure to leave a name or nickname, so I can identify you. Anon, please email and let me know your online name.

  4. Pleasant looking
    Loves to read and perhaps write
    Acerbic wit (to match her own!)
    College educated
    Good reputation
    Proper manners
    Able to amuse others at parties and dances

  5. Oh la la! Such fabulous descriptions! I love the "tall, dark" haired version! :)

    This is such a great novel!

  6. Strong believer in God
    Has a sense of humor, but knows when to be serious
    Knows how to dance
    Good listener
    Likes helping others
    Loves kids
    Loves to read
    A bit mysterious

  7. Anonymous12/22/2007

    Using Jane's words, he would have to be an active man, not idle, with a tall, firm, and upright figure. A man of refined taste and character, one who is steadfast and loyal.

    My own additions: He would be the sort of man who could befriend her brothers, honor her sister and mother, and converse comfortably with her father. I would have him be an officer with an income of 2,000 per year.

  8. Jane needs:
    a man of conversation
    well educated
    of comfortable financial means
    socially comfortable and a dancer
    with a sense of humour and wit
    a man comfortable with Jane's keen observation and insightful intelligence
    one who sees her inner beauty

  9. tall, dark and handsome (a cliche for a reason!)
    has a quality of gravitas balanced by a wonderful sense of humor
    is a wonderful dancer
    loves animals and elderly ladies
    honors thy mother-in law and father-in-law
    writes marvelous love letters
    gives the most perfect gifts (and not just flowers when you're mad at him)
    great cook (no, strike that one, I'm just projecting)

  10. Anonymous12/26/2007

    Jane's suitor must be a gentleman, educated, well-read, with an income of about 2000 a year. Perhaps a member of the clergy, with a nice living. Thoughtful, must love Jane, and be sensitive to her needs and desires. Quick-witted, so that he unerstands her wit and responds in kind. Considerate of her family -- remember how close-knit these Austens are! Delightful company, just like dear Jane.

  11. The perfect suitor for Jane will be kind and warm hearted, but not foolish in sentiment. He will not be too grand to economize-though he does not have to- and he will live soberly but wisely. He will be amused greatly by Jane's wit and wisdom, and her joy in living. He will dance well enough but better than that, he will be gracious in discourse and in giving. He will live a noble life that is founded on faith in God and expressed in love for his fellowman. The fact that he is tall, dark haired and handsome, will not be denied, but quietly celebrated.

  12. Firstly I think it would have to be a man who captures Jane's attention right from the first time she meets him.
    He would be tall and of an athletic build, well-dressed and with a pleasing manner of speaking.
    Having captured her attention, he would have to prove himself intelligent, well read and capable of understanding a point of view which might be outside his experience.
    He would be both well educated and well traveled and would believe in "A healthy mind in a healthy body".
    Obviously he would display good manners and not seek to monopolise a conversation or refuses to consider his companions point of view.
    He would be kid to animals and a believer in fidelity and trust in a marriage.
    Lastly he would have to show that he himself was interested in becoming better aquainted with Jane.


  13. Dear Sister,
    Jane has met the most delightful young man who absolutely adores her. He has read her books! He is an old school friend of Henry's, and when he overheard Henry mention Jane in connection with her books, he insisted on being introduced. He is everything we could wish for, as he is a good Christian man, and very well situated for providing for her. He is everything that Jane could wish for in looks, plus he is well educated and well-traveled. He also has a fantastic library. I will tell you more when we meet next week!
    Love, your sister, Cassandra

  14. A worldly man, who believes in god, bookworm, attentive, and educated!

  15. Anonymous12/31/2007

    He must be clever and far from ridiculous. have great humor, some beauty and an amiable fortune, he must be well informed and read.

  16. Anonymous12/31/2007

    The main factor would be a man who wouldn't be intimidated by Jane's intelligence and who wouldn't have a problem with her continuing to write. He must also be intelligent and well read.
    He must also be patient and kind.
    skrishna1183 [at]

  17. well educated
    well read
    well spoken
    high morals
    not a liberal drinker or gambler
    a healthy income
    situated nearby (within 50 miles)

  18. Anonymous12/31/2007

    Jane deserves a man that is well educated, dashing with a hint of mystery, knowledgable, well-off, able to stand his ground.

  19. Hi, Jane has many strong views and attributes. Thus, her suitor/husband would have to be have a mind of his own, yet be flexible. Jane would copy her parent's marriage because it was a close and happy relationship! This man is clever,with a good sense of humor and must be able to mingle with various types of peoples. I think his values and morals need to be ingrained and strong. This is the kind of man that Jane's parents would wish for her. Thanks,Cindi

  20. He would just the right blend of wry humor and scintillating wit. He would know when to be sensitive and when to tell her to stop being so uppity!

  21. Anonymous12/31/2007

    Oh I don't know if my dear daughter Jane will ever find a proper husband. She is so picky! She may never find someone who fits her high standards, but if she did, I'm sure he would be a wonderful man of good character. We would love for her to meet someone from a good family, as well. And nice looking, too, although things like looks don't really matter, do they? A patient man, and one who likes to learn would be a good match for her. And I do hope she finds him soon, or she'll end up an old maid!

  22. Anonymous12/31/2007

    A gentleman of good morals and manners, with a living, not necessarily a fortune. Because of Jane's witty observations, he'd have to get the joke, so to speak. Because Jane was ahead of her time (e.g. pointing out the unfairness, and I daresay the absurdity, of fee tail male (see P&P)), he would have to be forward-thinking. He should be "good company" as Anne decribes in Persuasion--clever, well-informed, with great conversation. Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Austen know Jane must marry for love, so the suitor must adore her, and she him.

  23. The man for my daughter would be upright, with a fervor for the Church and reading and writing witty pamphlets. He will have traveled the continent, but turned down a job in the colonies. I know she favors the men with a sweep of dark and wavy hair, which doesn't matter to me as long as he is not of a dark and wavy temper. As the first son, he would be a land owner, but will have made improvements, dabbling in crops (not pineapples but potatoes).
