Sunday, January 13

Did You Like Persuasion? Let Us Know

The poll sits in the sidebar on the left. You may vote daily!

Go to PBS's blog, Remotely Connected, and write your comments about the show.

Click here for Rupert Penry-Jones/Persuasion videos.


  1. Anonymous1/14/2008

    This version was too short, too short, too short! It felt like I was watching Persuasion on speed. I liked Rupert and Sally together, and Anthony Head as Sir Walter was appropriately vain and ridiculous. His sprint towards Lady Dalrymple when she enters the Assembly Rooms was priceless.

    But the movie felt gutted and I hated the ending. So, I voted Meh.

  2. Anonymous1/14/2008

    I didn't like the characters. Anne looked wimpy, Captain Wentworth was good looking - but not passionate enough. It was too short, lots of omission and very weak characterization.

  3. Ack. They glossed over the meat of the book; and left bits hanging all over the place. Messy messy messy. I'm on the fence about the weird kiss... part of me likes to draw it out; expectation, etc, but it wasn't well done by the actors. The one in Mansfield park is worse (billie piper? What were they thinking?)

    Anyway... It was ... on par with P&P with Keira Knightly. I don't have a great opinion of either.

  4. I resent it most when they take one of my favourite JA heroines and mess her up.

  5. Anonymous1/17/2008

    The ITV/Hawkins Persuasion was dreadful.
    Hawkins was miscast, misdirected; the part misacted.
    The treatment was ridiculous and butchered character development and plot.

    Anthony Head, though was a standout and stole every scene. The only reason I continued watching this version until the silly end, was hope for another glimpse of the perfect Sir Walter.
