Sunday, January 6

Great News and Welcome On Board, Laurel Ann!

Oh, my, I am such a lucky girl. Laurel Ann from Austenprose has agreed to join me on Jane Austen Today and be my co-blogger. No longer will Ms. Place have to go it alone; she will have a comrade in Janeite arms! You will have twice the fun with twice the bloggers!

And Laurel Ann couldn't come on board at a more convenient time, just when all of us Janeites are gearing up for The Complete Jane Austen Series to start on PBS precisely one week from now. I am all agog, and so grateful. Laurel Ann joins me at a time when I will be especially busy.

So please give Laurel Ann a welcoming hello when she introduces herself, and when she posts her first JA Today post on Tuesday. This is going to be such fun!!

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