Friday, January 11

Persuasion's Cast of Characters Continued

Louisa Musgrove: young sister in sprig muslin, aged about 19, engaged and off the marriage mart, Charles & Henrietta Musgrove’s younger sister, educated at school, high-spirited, accomplished, wild about dancing, headstrong, falls easily in love, has high naval fervour, loves to play “catch me”. First attracted to Captain Wentworth, but after a head bang on the stones of a Cobb, acquires literary taste and an appetite for Scott and Lord Byron. She falls in love with Mr. Benwick over poetry, and they become engaged.

Henrietta Musgrove: sister in sprig muslin, aged about 20, engaged and off the marriage mart, younger sister of Charles Musgrove and older sister to Louisa, educated at school, young, fun-loving, loves to dance, less decisive than Louisa. Though unofficially engaged to her clergyman cousin Charles Hayter, her girlish ego is momentarily dazzled by the attentions of dashing Captain Wentworth.

Charles Musgrove:
genial brother, 30-something heir to the great house at Uppercross, doting father of two young sons, long-suffering and deaf-eared husband of Mary. Civil, high- spirited, agreeable, patient, wild about sport. Lacks the art of conversation, and trifles time away without benefit of books. Always in want of more money. Could manage his children very well if it weren’t for his wife’s interference. First set his sights on Anne Elliot, who refused him.

Captain Harville, naval officer, friend of Captain Wentworth, married, proud father of three children. Tall, dark, benevolent countenance with strong features. Severely wounded, discharged at half-pay, walks with slight limp. Lives in Lyme. Sensible, unaffected, warm, obliging and useful. When not employed within by his mind, he varnishes, carpenters, and glues, making toys for the children. Converses with Anne Elliot at opportune moments.

Captain James Benwick
, first lieutenant of the Laconia, friend of Captain Wentworth, and once engaged to Fanny, Harville’s dead sister. Excellent but moping young man who learned his fiance passed away after he earned his prize money and promotion. Pleasing face, dejected and melancholy air, affectionate heart, romantic reader of poetry. Finds an intellectual connection with Anne, but it is Louisa who consoles his broken heart and who he will marry.

Mrs. Clay: opportunist, poor widow with two children, daughter of Sir Walter's lawyer, Mr. Shepherd, friend of Elizabeth Elliot and engaged to accompany her to Bath. A clever inveigler and flatterer who understands the fine art of sucking up. Her ultimate aim is to make herself so acceptable and indispensable to the vain and self-absorbed Sir Walter, that he will throw all caution to the wind and marry her, despite his aversion to her freckles, snaggle tooth, and clumsy wrist.

Rear Admiral Croft: naval officer, gentleman with handsome fortune, married to Sophia, no children. Native of Somersetshire, tenant of Kellynch Hall, well-traveled, saw action at Trafalgar. A hale, hearty, well-looking and plain-spoken man with excellent manners. He is a little weather-beaten and must stave off gout with exercise. After moving into Kellynch Hall, he ordered the removal of the large number of looking-glasses Sir Walter left behind in his bedroom.

Sophia Croft
: wife of Admiral Croft, Captain Wentworth’s older sister. Married for love, not money. Well-spoken, genteel, and shrewd about taxes and business. In the habit of sharing everything with her husband, including walks and travel. No children, and therefore the very best preserver of furniture in the world.

Mrs. Smith
nee Hamilton: impoverished widow, cripple, 30 yrs. old, school fellow of Anne Elliot, lives in Bath. Suffers severe rheumatic fever in her legs, beset with financial difficulties, thrives on uncannily accurate gossip obtained through Nurse Rooke. Gets her revenge on false friend William Elliott by spilling the beans about his true nature to Anne. In 2007 movie version of Persuasion, is granted miracle cure by script writers and is seen wandering around Bath.

Last, but not least, Mr. & Mrs. Musgrove: popular parents of Louisa, Henrietta, and Charles, residents of the great house at Uppercross, love to entertain and throw dinner-parties. They attract more visitors by invitation and chance than any other family in the neighbourhood.

Learn more about the characters in Persuasion at these sites:
Posted by Ms. Place. Click here for the Major Cast of Characters posted by Laurel Ann.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/15/2008

    Now that I've seen the film, I appreciate this list of secondary characters. The plot was so confusing I could not keep them straight and this helps.
