Friday, January 4

Seen On the Blogosphere

Now you can rent the very same 15th century cottage in which Sense & Sensibility 1996 was filmed. Located on the Hartland Abbey Estate, this four bedroom cottage, located in Devon, faces the ocean. Click here for details.

Proper English Sex in the City style romps? That's how this article from Entertainment Today describes The Complete Jane Austen, a series of new and old Jane Austen films featured by Masterpiece Theatre. Stay tuned to your PBS stations on January 13th for the first showing. Persuasion with Sally Hawkins as Anne Elliot and Rupert Penry-Jones as Captain Wentworth will start off the series. Click here for a two-minute interview with Andrew Davies and his rationalizations for tinkering with Jane's words and plots.

Sense and Sensibility or pain and prejudice? is an illuminating review of the book, with juicy quotes such as:

Yet I can never read Sense and Sensibility without it sending a shiver down my spine. I don't recognise this as a "wonderfully entertaining tale of flirtation and folly", as one edition bills it.

Instead absent fathers, inadequate mothers, ambitious women on the make, financial insecurity, near-fatal illness and abandonment stalk this book. It should be taken only with a large glass of whisky on a stormy night, when Dostoevsky seems too much of a giggle.

The article also offers a quiz, Are You Sense or Sensibility? Click here to read it.

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