Friday, February 8

The Portable Mansfield Park

Recipe for satisfying entertainment while visiting Europe:
  • 1 juiced up 8 gig Nano Ipod
  • 48 downloaded podcast chapters of Mansfield Park
  • 5 hours of uninterrupted driving
  • 14 hours of uninterrupted flying
  • six sleepless nights in a foreign hotel
Result: Completed the book before the battery conked out; one fairly* satisfied Jane reader/Nano customer.

Next step: Download 50 podcast chapters of Sense and Sensibility

Source of free podcasts: Librivox

*Let's face it, Librivox volunteers are not exactly professional readers. While almost 50% of the people who read Mansfield Park were satisfactory, the rest were stultifyingly bad. Only my extreme love for Jane's words and my innate stubbornness kept me listening in some instances.

Update: For free downloads of Persuasion by professional voice actor, Nikolle Doolin, click here. She has also thoughtfully included a synopsis of every chapter and a list of the primary characters on her site.
Posted by Ms. Place


  1. Anonymous2/08/2008

    How fun! Where did you go?

  2. Hi Lori, London and Amsterdam. The trip was too short!

  3. I love all of the portable Jane Austen novels. This looks like a great place to get them. I am new to blogging and have just created my own site. I have a resource of Gutenberg that I link to for the streams.

    PS. I have been visiting your site for a few weeks now and just love it. i love your idea of "sister links". Would you mind if I used the same terminology to begin a "sister link" area of my site? Also, would you mind if I link your site there since I enjoy it so much?

  4. Oh, yes, loveprideprejudice, please use the sister link idea. Nothing is new under the sun. And thank you for visiting. Your blog is beginning to take great shape. Aren't you excited about the PBS Masterpiece Classic presentation of P&P? I sure am.

  5. Oh yes, I am most definitely excited about it. I of course have my DVR set to record each episode though I do not know why I bother. I own 6 copies of the 1995 A&E version. One to use, one to loan out and one as a collectors.

    Thank you for allowing a link, I will add that today or tomorrow. Thanks again!

  6. Woops, meant to say 3 copies. Sorry!
