Sunday, February 24

Pride and Prejudice 1995 Slide Show

Wasn't it lovely to see this 13-year-old production again? This six-hour film adaptation fleshed out Jane's novel, and I found myself laughing and delighting in her wonderful story and dialogue. In describing Mr. Wickham, Mr. Bennet quoted one of my favorite lines:

"He is as fine a fellow," said Mr. Bennet, as soon as they were out of the house, "as ever I saw. He simpers, and smirks, and makes love to us all. I am prodigiously proud of him. I defy even Sir William Lucas himself to produce a more valuable son-in-law."

In 1999, A Sue Parrill wrote a detailed critique of the 1995 A&E version of Pride and Prejudice in Literature Film Quarterly. She analyzes the film in the following fashion: "In the next scene, Elizabeth approaches Longbourn. She and the viewer hear the voices of girls quarreling. Rather than enter the house, she detours to look in at the window at her father (Benjamin Whitrow), who has been reading, but who looks wryly back at Elizabeth and registers irritation over the clamor. This scene immediately establishes the bond between Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth, and their roles as observers and critics of other members of their family." Click on the following link to read the entire article: FindArticles - Pride and Prejudice on A & E: Visions and revisions, Literature Film Quarterly, 1999, by Parrill, A Sue.

1 comment:

  1. I had to write and tell you that i think your blog is wonderfull. And that I love Pride and Prejudice, it is number one on my list. Well I hope that you have a wonderfull day.
