Sunday, March 16

Oh, Emma, Which Movie Version Shall I Choose?

Kate or Gwyneth as Emma? Mark or Jeremy as Mr. Knightley? Samantha or Toni as Harriet Smith? Olivia or Polly as Jane Fairfax? Which movie version of Emma do you prefer and which actors stand out in your mind? The loiterer asked this question a while back of four cinematic Emma versions, and placed a poll on his website. Here are the results. Kate's win over Gwyneth surprised me because of Jeremy Northam's votes. Click here to see the ballot page:

You can make your own decision about which movie version you like and rent Emmas 1972 and 1996 from Netflix, or watch Kate Beckinsale as Emma on PBS's Masterpiece Classic Sunday, March 23, at 9 p.m. To properly prepare for your viewing experience, click on the following links:

The Emma Adaptations Page is THE go to page for all three movie versions, and any information about Emma you might be seeking.

PBS Masterpiece Classics links to information about the A&E production of Emma with Kate Beckinsale and written by Andrew Davies.

Highbury Online and Emma Movie Costumes from Donwell Abbey link to images and everything you ever wanted to learn about the theatrical version of Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam. Here's an Emma movie quiz from that movie. I didn't get them all right. (gasp!)

Then, there's always Jane's novel, Emma, which you can read on

Where are they now?
Posted by Ms. Place, Jane Austen's World

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