Thursday, April 17

Seen on the Blogosphere: Paper Dolls

These Elizabeth Bennet paper dolls were created by Digne for her sister for Christmas. They are quite impressive for being non commercial. Click here to see the paper dolls.

Liana also draws paper dolls. Click here to see her Paper Doll blog, and here to view her journal archive. Many of her outfits, based on film and television costumes and characters in novels, include regency dresses.

More paper doll links are provided on our side bar under Jane Austen Toys and Dolls.

Posted by Ms. Place

Note: Yes, all the polls but one are gone! I will write a summary of the findings and post them. Thank you all for voting on The Complete Jane Austen series. There were a few surprises, but overall people's votes were similar to the reviews.


  1. What a lovely collection of paper dolls! The drawings are really super.

  2. Anonymous4/25/2008

    Thank you very much for the link to my page! I haven't drawn any Regency outfits for my new doll yet, but I'll put up some outfit I did for one of my old dolls... I just finished reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, so I think some new regency outfits are definitely called for ;)
