Friday, March 7

Seen on the Blogosphere: Pride and Prejudice

With apologies to the 1980 P&P movie version with David Rintoul and Elizabeth Garvie, click here to read Xena's comparison between the actors who portrayed the characters in Pride and Prejudice 1940, 1995, and 2005 (Scroll down a little). The 1980 movie has not been entirely forgotten. This blogger compares the 1980, 1995, and 2005 P&P versions, and prefers David Rintoul over Colin Firth, as does Kaye Dacus, who compared the actors in a recent post as well. This post from Writer's Digest compares these movie versions as well.

One of the best movie promos for the 2005 movie can be found on this youtube clip on Keira Web. And then there are these three fabulous posters advertising the 1940 movie, two of which sit on Miss Greer Ed discusses his favorite moments in the 1940 movie on this fabulous site. Click on his links to view the movie stills. Turner Movie Classics provides a P&P 1940 overview.

Pride and Prejudice, The Gay Comedy Hit!
When Pretty Girls Teased Men Into Marriage
Five Love Hungry Beauties in Search of Husbands.
Girls, Take a Lesson From These Five Husband Hunters!
(And my favorite) - Tsk. Tsk. Mr. Chip's Wife is in Love With Rebecca's Husband!

Posted by Ms. Place


  1. Anonymous3/07/2008

    Yay! Someone finally agrees with me about David Rintoul! Thanks for putting up the posters--they're fabulous!

  2. Anonymous3/08/2008

    How fun to see these movie posters for the 1940 version of P&P! I've watched that one a hundred times and still get a kick out of it. Finding your site and seeing these posters made my day. -Julia

  3. Anonymous8/02/2010

    I prefer Colin Firth over David Rintoul.
