Wednesday, March 5

The Winners of the Becoming Jane Icon Contest Are!

First, thank you all for entering the contest, and then for voting. The top three vote getters were so close that statistically there was barely a difference among the 476 votes. The top icons were:

#1 Jane and Tom, Agatha, 24%

# 2 Jane by Dina, 23%

# 3 Jane by Alex, 22%

Dina and Agatha, please send your mailing addresses to me at msplace71 at yahoo dot com. Alex I would love to talk to you as well.

This was fun! The top two winners will receive a Becoming Jane DVD. Since third place was so close, I want to provide a gift for winner #3 as well.


  1. Wonderful icons everyone!!

    This was so much fun, thank you!!

    Congrats to Agatha and Alex also.

  2. Anonymous3/07/2008

    Thanks, Dina! Congratulations to you and Agatha as well.:)
