Tuesday, April 15

Where Are They Now?: Jane Austen's Film Heroes - David Rintoul

After Sir Laurence Olivier, David Rintoul was the second Mr. Darcy I saw on screen. He has held a special place in my heart ever since he played opposite Elizabeth Garvie in the BBC 1980 mini series of Pride and Prejudice.

David is also known for his 1993 role as Dr. Finlay. He is currently a hugely popular voice actor, having narrated a host of audio books. (See links below.)

Looking at his most recent photos, I would say that this particular Mr. Darcy is aging in a most distinquished and handsome manner!

Learn more about David in the links below.

You Tube clip of David as Darcy

Posted by Ms. Place


  1. Anonymous4/15/2008

    Aww. Thanks so much for this tribute to my favorite Mr. Darcy. My favorite post-P&P role I've seen him in was as the doctor on the two-part Hornblower, Mutiny/Retribution. Not having paid attention to the credits at the beginning, the first time, I kept thinking, wow, for an older guy with no hair (once he took the wig off), not only is he familiar looking, but he's kinda hot! :-)

  2. Kaye, I recall you saying that David acted in the Horatio Hornblower series, but I could not find a photo of David as the doctor. Oh, well. Too bad references to him are so obscure.

  3. Anonymous4/16/2008

    I have some better screencaps at home, but here's the only one I could find online:


  4. Oh, yum. Thank you for sending the link.

  5. Anonymous4/17/2008

    David Rintoul and Elizabeth Garvie are still my favorite Darcy & Lizzie. This adaptation may seem staid by current production standards but I think it really focuses on the characters.

    Rintoul is wonderful as Dr. Finlay. He portrays a quiet eloquence with a hint of the more passionate man underneath.
