Tuesday, April 22

Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict Contest

Inquiring readers,

The "Ten Ways to Cope Without The Complete Jane Austen Series" contest is coming to an end. If you've got a suggestion to add to the list, please enter it as a comment. (Click on the link.)

I'll put all of your names in a hat and draw one at midnight EST on Saturday, April 26. On Sunday, April 27, the winner will be announced here.

I will send the winner a signed copy of the new paperback edition of my novel, Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict.

In the meantime, I've got another idea to add to #2 on my list: After you watch the Ang Lee/Emma Thompson Sense and Sensibility, watch it again with the DVD commentary by Emma Thompson and Lindsay Doran, producer of the film. The fun starts when the Columbia logo comes up on the screen, and Emma Thompson says something to the effect of how tired her arms got holding up that torch for so long. I laughed a lot and learned a great deal about what went into making the film.

Thank you, Ms. Place, for reminding me of how much fun that DVD commentary is. Many thanks to everyone for your fabulous suggestions, and good luck to all!

- Laurie Viera Rigler

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