Wednesday, April 9

Seen on the Blogosphere

Check out this lovely new blog, Jane Austen in Vermont. I have been watching it develop, and am amazed at the amount of content entered in less than a week.

Jane Odiwe keeps adding interesting information to her blogs, Jane Odiwe's Blogspot and Jane Austen Sequels. Keep checking them, for Jane's talents go beyond writing - she paints as well.

Don't forget to visit Laurie Viera Rigler's site. She has some final thoughts about Sense and Sensibility, Part 2 on Masterpiece Classic.

Laurel Ann (yes I will brag about you, partner) lists a host of books on Austenprose that will help us address our Complete Jane Austen withdrawal symptoms.

Last, but not least, Jane Austen's World is back on track offering posts about the Regency World. The latest one discusses calling or visitor cards.

And don't forget to vote in ALL the polls in the sidebar. We will be sending the results to PBS soon, so you still have some time to weigh in your opinion about The Complete Jane Austen films.

Image from The New Yorker, Posted by Ms. Place

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