Saturday, May 24

Oh, My, Mr. Farcy!

This hilarious Pride and Prejudice parody is typical of the over-the-top British humor that I relish. You will recognize Alison Steadman, who played Mrs. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice 1995. In this clip she is Mrs. Dashit, mother to Fanny. The two women encounter Mr. Farcy (Omid Djalil), who stands before them dripping wet from swimming in the lake.

You can watch a series of clips of Pride and Racial Prejudice (also funny), by clicking on the links in You Tube's sidebar. Just click twice on the video as it plays, and the sidebar will appear.


  1. Eeewww! That's one Mr. Farcy alright! The name reminds me of er... a certain activity, and Alison was amazing as always!

    But again, eewww! Mr. Farcy needs a lesson on regencial proprieties! LOL!

  2. Anonymous5/25/2008

    Oh, gag, gasp, hahaha! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ha ha ha - this really made me laugh (must be my over-the-top British sense of humour!). Thanks very much for the links.

  4. That was funny -- bizarre, but funny.
