Monday, June 16

The Jane Austen Collection

The Jane Austen Collection at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland is world renowned. The collection was donated in 1978 by Mrs. Henry G. (Alberta) Burke, who collected over 1,000 books, as well as articles and memorabilia about Jane Austen. In the late 1940's Mrs. Burke purchased a lock of Jane Austen's hair, but "donated it to the Jane Austen Society after attending a meeting of the group during which a speaker lamented its loss to an American". Click here to view Alberta Burke's notebooks, and here to read an introduction to the collection.

After his wife's death, Henry Burke, together with Joan Austen-Leigh and J. David Grey, founded the Jane Austen Society of North America, for which he drew up the Constitution and By-Laws.


  1. Anonymous6/19/2008

    The collection was donated in 1978 by Mrs. Henry G. (Alberta) Burke, who collected over 1,000 books, as well as articles and memorabilia about Jane Austen. In the late 1940's Mrs. Burke purchased a lock of Jane Austen's hair, but "donated it to the Jane Austen Society after attending a meeting of the group during which a speaker lamented its loss to an American".

  2. Anonymous6/20/2008

    Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland is world renowned. The collection was donated in 1978 by Mrs. Henry G. (Alberta) Burke, who collected over 1,000 books, as well as articles and memorabilia about Jane Austen.
