Sunday, July 20

Design Your Own Regency Room

One of the highlights of my visit to London last February was the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum. I missed seeing the Thomas Hope exhibit by a little over a month. Ah, well. The V&A has such a thoroughly interesting website that I (almost) feel as if I'd seen it. Thomas Hope's book, Household Furniture and Decoration, was published in 1807. The black and white designs contained within it influenced the taste of a nation.

In addition to learning about Thomas's influence on early 19th century design, you can click on a link on the V&A site and decorate your own Regency Room. How fun is that? Click here to enter Thomas Hope: Design a Room.
Posted by Vic, Ms. Place


  1. This looks so good!
    But my favorate Austen movie for interior design would have to be Ang Lee's, Sense and Sensibility.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree that Ang Lee's interiors were exquisite. With the quality of lighting and use of angles and camera shots, the sets resembled Vermeer paintings.
