Thursday, July 3

For the Love of Jane Austen: Radio Broadcast

Breaking news! Vermont Edition will be discussing Jane Austen from eight minutes past noon to 1 p.m. today. If you miss the broadcast, a podcast and transcript of the program will be available in the future (from my experience, usually a day later). Here is what the site says:

During Jane Austen's lifetime at the turn of the nineteenth century, the English author received little attention or acclaim for her novels. But today, people of all ages continue to read her six novels, including Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, and watch the movies based on her works. Now, two women in Vermont have helped start a regional chapter of the Jane Austen Society. We hear from co-regional coordinators Kelly McDonald and Deb Barnum, about their love of all things Austen.

Kelly and Deb are the founders of the blog, Jane Austen in Vermont.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up Vic. The interview is up and you can download the podcast and listen. I really enjoyed it! The NPR interviewer asked great questions and Deb and Kelly were so genuine and elloquent. How lucky Jane Austen fans in Vermont are to have them organize a new JASNA chapter.

    My only beef in an otherwise beautifully written piece, was that the interviewer thought that Jane Austen was a Victorian! A small mistake to be sure, but one that is a general misconception.

    Cheers, Laurel Ann
