Sunday, July 6

Seen On the Blogosphere

And the Winner of an Oxford World's Classic Jane Austen novel IS! ... Gisselle Mehment, whose favorite Jane Austen character is "Probably Marianne Dashwood, but I do love some of the minor characters like Mrs Jennings, Mr Palmer, and Mr Collins. They all make me laugh and so ridiculous!" Great answer, Gisselle

Please send me your email address and the Jane Austen novel you would like to receive at janeaustensworld at gmail dot com. Thank you ALL for participating. This was one of our most fun and successful contests yet. And thank you, Nigel, for the inspiration.

(Please note: Names are written on slips of paper, which I draw randomly from a hat.)

The Thames Park National Trail takes you on a walk from the Flood Barriers all the way to the source of the river. If you click on each stage (click on title of post then on each stage), you will see photos of such areas as: Greenwich to the London Eye, Barnes Bridge to Embankment, Putney to Richmond, Staines to Windsor, Tilehurst to Cholsey, Abingdon to Oxford, etc. Viewing these photos is like taking a virtual tour of the Thames. Included are walking distances. For those who are lucky enough to be in the vicinity, this site is priceless.

Victoria Magazine Quotes Jane Austen

Melissa, a fan of our blog, sent this tip: The July/August edition of the (Bliss) Victoria magazine, on pages 24-29, used quotes from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility to highlight the magazines "Favorite Things" article. Thanks, Melissa!

Horse and Hound

mentions that the Alton Horse Show was established in 1894. "One of its founders was the Pride and Prejudice author Jane Austen's brother Edward Knight*.

The horse show's organisers say that for the past four years it has continued to flourish by piggy-backing on to the much larger Alton Agricultural Show, sharing insurance, health and safety and staffing costs with the larger event." Click on the title to read more.

Comment: *Edward died in 1852, so it would have been hard for him to found a show that was established in 1894. One suspects that the show took a different form earlier. Does any one know?

New Jane Austen Sequels are Coming:

Gwyn Cready, author of Seducing Mr. Darcy, which is coming out soon, offers news and information on her website and blog. Click here to enter her sites.

And Jane Odiwe has just announced on her blog that she has completed Mrs. Brandon's Invitation, a sequel to Sense and Sensibility. Something tells me we are going to have a spectacular winter curling up by a cozy fire and revisiting Marianne and Elinor.

Posted by Ms. Place

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/08/2008

    Hi, its Giselle Mehmet. i wasn't sure how to send you my e-mail so i thought i would post it. Its and the book i would like is Pride and Prejudice, thank you!
