Friday, July 18

You Are Cordially Invited to Participate in a Live Chat With Author Laurie Viera Rigler on August 12th

Oh, what wonderful news! Laurie Viera Rigler, author of Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict has graciously agreed to chat with us on August 12th! I will place the link to my chat room on this site just before our scheduled two-hour coast-to-coast talk at 10 PM - 12 AM EST, and 7 - 9 PM Pacific time.

Win a Book!
In honor of this new feature on Jane Austen Today, Laurie will be giving away five autographed copies of the paperback version of her novel!

If you have questions to ask of Laurie about her best seller or the writing process please leave your comment below. On August 12th, we will draw a commentor's name and award a book to that person! Even better, Laurie will answer all the comment questions.

The first two people to sign in the chatroom and begin talking will also receive books. The last two people in the chatroom will receive books as well. How much fun is that? So, mark your calendars, Janeites, and join us for a two-hour gab fest in August.
Posted by Ms. Place


  1. Oh, how lovely! This will be such fun. Do you mind if I pass along the word over at the Tea Society? I know of more than a few of the members and visitors who would love to participate in this.

  2. Anonymous7/18/2008

    Rebecca, please pass the word! The more the merrier!

  3. Anonymous7/20/2008

    How fun, or should I say, diverting! I'll be there.

  4. The time zones may make it difficult for me to paticipate?

    Please would you ask Miss Rigler a question on my behalf;

    "Why do you think the appeal of Jane Austen's novels is mostly gender specific and is this a reflection of our societies rather than Austen novel's as literature?"

  5. Anonymous7/21/2008

    My question is:

    Of all the characters that Jane Austen has created which one is Laurie Viera Rigler's personal favorite and why?

    Lots of love,
    Anne from Finland


  6. Anonymous7/21/2008

    Hi, Rebecca and Leslie. I look forward to chatting with you!

    Nigel, thanks for your question. I think that Austen has been "packaged" as literature for women by the media, and I suspect that more men would love Austen if they weren't frightened away by said packaging. Nevertheless, there is a growing list of men who are discovering that Austen isn't really about gowns and bonnets but about human nature and, as Elizabeth Bennet said in Pride and Prejudice, "people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever."
    Here are some well-known men who love Austen: Authors T.C. Boyle (Talk Talk, and a hilarious short story called I Dated Jane Austen), Michael Chabon (The Yiddish Policemen's Union), Paul Auster (The New York Trilogy), Ken Follet (Eye of the Needle) Kazuo Ishiguro (The Remains of the Day), and Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting); director Danny Boyle (Trainspotting); and Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat. (Thanks to Austenblog for this list!)

    Hi, Anne, and thanks for your question. It's a tough one, as I find all of Austen's characters fascinating. As a personal favorite, however, I think I would have to choose Elizabeth Bennet. I love her sense of humor and appreciation of the ridiculous. I love that she transforms from self-righteous indignation to the humbling realization that many of her assumptions about Darcy and Wickham were wrong. And I love that despite having three silly sisters, a mother with the emotional IQ of a 14-year-old, and an affectionate but ineffective father, she manages to conduct herself with grace, dignity, and remarkable strength of character for one so young.

  7. Dear Mame,

    Thank you so much for your answer.
    I have to, think, on this some more. I am starting to wonder if Austen's work is more enthnographic rather than literal?
    I loved Lizzy's quote too.

  8. Which of the many Jane Austen films is your favorite and why?

  9. Anonymous7/22/2008

    Hello fellow Janeites,
    I have two important things to mention!
    #1. Thank you for posting about the JAC magazine, as it includes my article about regency debutantes. I hope many of you will click through and enjoy the whole magazine--the quiz is especially fun this month.

    #2: My question for Ms. Rigler, is will she agree to be featured in my monthly ezine, "Upon My Word! The Regency 'Zine?" I believe my readers will love to learn about you and your book, Laurie. I have a second question too, actually: Is the heroine in "Confessions..." a lightly disguised YOU, or is she more fictional than autobiographical?
    Please email me about the feature in my 'zine. My email is Linore [at] Linore Rose Burkard [dot] com
    (with no spaces.)
    Thanks so much, your book sounds wonderfully fun!

    Very best,

  10. Anonymous7/23/2008

    Hi again, Nigel. I think there are many ways in which one can enjoy Austen: as a beautifully plotted, satisfying story with multi-faceted characters, witty social satire, and a guaranteed happy ending; as a source of deeper wisdom, lessons in self-discovery, and a commentary on human nature at its best and worst; and some scholars have seen Austen's works as sly social commentaries on everything from slavery (Mansfield Park, Emma) to sexuality (see Jill Heydt-Stevenson, for example).

    Hi, Willow--that's a tough question! My favorite changes depending on my mood: When time is no object I love watching the '95 BBC P&P. And my favorite screenplay is Emma Thompson's S&S. I think she is the only one who truly captured that wit, no small task in a story that starts off with a beloved father's death and leads to two heartbroken young women, one of which almost dies. But I also adore the '95 Persuasion, and when I need something light and bright and sparkling, as my favorite author would say, I adore the Bollywood Bride and Prejudice.

    Hi, Linore, I would be delighted to be featured in your ezine. As for Courtney being some version of me, there are certain things we have in common and certain things we do not. She can drink me under the table, for one. And I like to think I am a little more emotionally mature than she. Though my husband might disagree. ;-)

  11. Anonymous7/24/2008

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    "...a mother with the emotional IQ of a 14-year-old." :) When I think about Mrs. Bennet Alison Steadman's wonderful portrayal of her in BBC's P&P always comes to mind. The way she shouts out "Mr. Bennet!" and her hysterical crying episodes are so hilarious.


  12. Hi Laurie,

    I should be able to make the evening time, since I work during the day, will have lots to catch up too. :)

    How long did your dream take of writing Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict and then getting it published?

  13. who is your second favorite jane austen heroine? I say 2nd because the first is almost always lizzy!

  14. Anonymous8/02/2008

    Hi, Dina--my posted answer to you somehow disappeared (maybe a rip in the space-time continuum?). Anyway, it took me six years of writing, researching, and procrastinating(!) to write the book. Once I had an agent things moved very quickly.

    Hi, Katie--I adore Ann Eliot. She is the quiet, unsung hero whose small acts of gentle kindness make a huge difference in the lives of everyone she touches. George Eliot's (coincidence?) closing words in Middlemarch about Dorothea bring to mind Ann Eliot.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all on the 12th!

  15. Anonymous8/03/2008

    Hello Laurie,

    I just would like to ask you how and when you
    first became interested in Jane Austen's writings ? Interestingly enough my godfather
    introduced me to Jane Austen. He was a great fan and admirer of her writing! And he was a man! He preferred to make up his own opinion about everything, not giving in to popular culture.
    I really look forward to those 2 fabulous hours with you !

  16. Anonymous8/04/2008

    This sound like a lovely way to spend a few hours. Your book is a delight and I will look forward to the chat.

  17. Anonymous8/05/2008

    Hi, Katherine, hi, Karen. I look forward to chatting with both of you.

    Very happy you enjoyed the book, Karen.

    Katherine, you are very fortunate to have been introduced to Austen by your godfather. He sounds like a wonderful man, and of course I am always thrilled to hear about a male admirer of Austen.

    For me it started in the 1990s when I started reading about all those movies in production. I wondered what all the fuss was about. And so I picked up Sense and Sensibility and instantly fell in love. I read the other novels in quick succession and have been re-reading them ever since.

  18. Anonymous8/08/2008

    Hi Laurie, I have a few questions to ask you.

    1) Which is your favourite Jane Austen novel besides Pride and Prejudice?

    2) I read in your website that there's going to be a sequel. May I know whether are you in the process of writing/editing and when is the book coming out?

    3) Besides Jane Austen, which author(s) inspired you to have a career as a writer?

    That's all from me. Btw, your website is awesome.

  19. Anonymous8/11/2008

    Hi, luthien-84. Glad you liked my website.

    Persuasion is my other favorite.

    I am immersed in the sequel, which should be out summer 2009.

    I'll have to give your other question some thought...I have been a passionate reader throughout my life, and of many authors. Collectively, I imagine they have all inspired me to tell stories. I also love film as a storytelling medium.

    I hope you join us on Tuesday!

  20. My question for Laurie: What male character in each book do you find most intriguing?

  21. Anonymous8/12/2008

    Ms. Rigler,

    1. Why do you think that, of Jane Austen's novels, Pride and Prejudice is the book most authors choose to write variations or sqeuels upon?

    2. Would you ever consider finishing Austen's last book, Sandition?


  22. Anonymous8/15/2008

    Hi - I missed the live chat with Laurie Viera Rigler.
    I spent the day in the hospital. but I'm very glad to
    be alive. But soo sorry that I missed it I was so looking
    forward to it. Is there any way to know what transpired? Thanks Katherine
