Friday, September 19

Blogs We Love

Writer Jeannie Perkins from Natural/Artificial gave us an I Love Your Blog award several days ago. Laurel Ann and I needed several moments to collect our breaths and think straight. When we did, we realized we were to pass the torch on. Because there are two of us, we nominated more than the usual seven. In addition, we (modestly) nominated each other's blogs. There are so many other fun blogs to visit besides these. Just click away on our sidebar and you'll see them.

So, here are the blogs we love in no particular order or preference:

The Duchess of Devonshire’s Gossip Guide

Centered on the life and friends of Georgiana Spencer, the Duchess of Devonshire, you will find “scandalous tid-bits from England's finest socialite of the Georgian age”. My favorite regular topic is ‘Tart of the Week’ which highlights an eighteenth century female celebrity, warts and all!

Ellen and Jim Have a Blog, too

English Lit professor and Jane Austen scholar Ellen Moody continually keeps me challenged and improving myself with her thoughtful and in depth essays of 18th and 19th century literature, poetry and movies. This academic is a rare bird who has flown the coop of the proverbial ivory tower to explain it all for us, and keep us thinking along the way.

A Work in Progress

A book lover’s journey through reading and needlework. I can always depend on finding great reading recommendations and reviews offered with a bit of wit.


Because, she is everywhere, right? I am constantly amazed how Jane Austen has permeated our cultural lives in a million different ways as evidenced in the Medias fascination with our favorite authoress. If I want the latest news, deconstruction or an immediate laugh, I always head to Austen news headquarters, AustenBlog.

Austen Addict

Author Laurie Viera Rigler’s book Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict might have spawned this blog, but it has grown as an outlet for an author whose wit and sharp satire might just match Jane Austen’s. Check out her latest video creation, Obama or McCain? I say vote for Jane. Darn right.

Book Club Girl

Books, books and more books, and great author interviews!

Historical Romance UK

A consortium of British romance authors chat about their books, other books in the news, historical stuff about England and themselves. Wheee … I could stay there forever.

Versailles and More

Author Catherine Delors chats about Maries Antoinette’s unsung legacy and other tidbits on the Frogs across the pond in 18th-century France. Great book reviews, author interviews and gobs of history and pics. Wow!

Paris Breakfasts

This blog’s author and painter provides a rich and lush visual tapestry of food, Parisian objects, and watercolors. Absolutely fabulous!!

The Sartorialist

This photographer haunts the streets of New York and sometimes Paris or Milan and photographs people who are au courant. His eye is uncanny and his subjects are beautifully clad. I seldom disagree with his unerring taste.

A Dress a Day

Love, luv, looooove this site. ‘Nuff said.

Edwardian Promenade

The Belle Epoque comes alive in this fascinating, well-written historical blog. I love the posts, which cover all things and matters Edwardian.


Good writing, and great reviews and insights about Jane Austen 24/7. What more could a devoted Janeite want? Why, simply more of the same. Visiting Austenprose is like landing in the middle of the best Jane Austen book club you ever hoped to join. (Vic)

Jane Austen’s World

Everyday I discover incredible Regency life tidbits and important facts to help me understand what it was like to live in Jane Austen’s world giving me a greater appreciation for her writings, life and the culture that the books were written in. (Laurel Ann)

Last but not least, we'd like to say thank you to Jane Fan of Austen-tatious for paving the way for all of us Jane-y come lately bloggers. Her blog, which she recently retired, has been in existence since 2003, an eon for the blogosphere. Thank you, Lady Jane. We will miss your insights.


  1. Aw. Thanks. And thanks for the recommendations!

  2. Anonymous9/19/2008

    Thanks so much for these recommendations. It's hard to find the time to seek out these wonderful blogs I know are out there. You just did it for me. Wonderful!

  3. Anonymous9/19/2008

    Wow! This is so great. Thank you...

  4. Anonymous9/19/2008

    Thanks for the "thanks!" I am truly amazed at the number and quality of Jane Austen blogs that have sprung up over the last 5 years. I am very humbled by having inspired some of them. I think I just reached the point where I enjoyed reading everyone elses' blogs better than writing my own! Sometimes you gotta "know when to fold 'em!" I may not be an Austen-blogger specifically anymore, but I am a Janeite for life!

  5. I am touched and grateful to be included in this list! There are a few blogs on your list of which I was unaware, so I am doubly grateful.

    Thanks, Vic and Laurel Ann, and congratulations on your well-deserved award.

  6. Anonymous9/20/2008

    Wow! I'm grateful to you all for loving my blog. It gives me the impetus to keep going. Thanks so much!

  7. On behalf of the Historical Romance UK authors I would like to thank you very much for including us amongst the blogs you love. We are very honoured!

  8. Thanks for mentioning us at ukhistorical! We have one of the greatest playgrounds in the world, over here, and a lot more. Dig deeper and you find treasure.

  9. Congratulations, and thank you so much! I am both totally surprised and flattered that you like my little corner of the web!
