Monday, September 1

View Sense and Sensibility (1995) on

Watch Sense and Sensibility (1995) instantly on your own computer by streaming video at (US residents only). This stunning, and award winning adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel stars Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson as the Dashwood sisters, romantic Marianne and pragmatic Elinor. Here is's slightly erroneous description!

Emma Thompson stars in the captivating romance based on Jane Austen's classic novel of two sisters' search for love in strict Victorian society.

Did you catch the slip? Why do people often think that Austen's novels are Victorian? Ack! The future Queen Victoria was born two years after Jane Austen died in 1819, and did not ascend to the thrown until 1837, ushering in the Victorian era. So get a clue, people!

Enjoy the movie. It's FREE

posted by Laurel Ann, Austenprose

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