Friday, July 17

Are You Crafty? Create Your Own Pineapple Shaped Reticule

Gentle Readers, Isabel G sent this link to a PDF document that provides explicit instructions for creating a pineapple-shaped reticule. The image on the right is of a costume at the Kyoto Costume Institute in which the mannequin is holding a regency era pineapple reticule, and the image on the left is of a similar reticule that you can make.

If I might add only one critique: I'd choose the softer pineapple yellow of the Regency era than the more garish banana yellow in the image depicted at left.

Posts about reticules on Jane Austen's World
The Reticule
Kyoto Costume Institute Fashion Book
Posted by Vic, Jane Austen's World


  1. Thanks for the link, I will be trying this!

  2. Wow!
    I am going to get one of these because it mathces my surfer t-shirt (cheeky smile).

  3. I made this and it turned out GREAT! Here is the link to the flickr set. Thanks!
