Monday, July 20

Book Giveaway Reminder

Gentle Readers, Tomorrow is the deadline to leave a comment for a chance to win Laurie Viera Rigler's Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict. You've read our reviews (see sidebar), now read for yourselves! Click here for details & to enter the contest.

The FABULOUS Georgette Heyer book giveaway contest will stay open until July 31st. One lucky winner will receive 10 Georgette Heyer books, and 5 lucky winners will receive their very own copy of The Grand Sophy. How outstanding is that? Click here to leave your comment.


  1. Phewww!
    Tough choice for reading this month because Surfing World has some excellent articles too! (smiles)

  2. I only started reading / watching things from the Regency Period a couple of years ago when I bought Pride & Prejudice for my Mum who told me to watch it, I fell in love with Darcy (Colin Firth) as we all do and fell in love with Jane Austen at the same time, since then I have read all her work and as a Georgette Heyer newbe would love to have the same experience with her work.
