Friday, July 24

Emma Cooks

In this 8-minute video, Gwynneth Paltrow discusses her love of cooking and shows you how to cook a roast chicken, potatoes and a farmer's market salad.


  1. I love GOOP. I know she gets a lot of crap from other people about her site (saying she is pretentious and conceited), but I think that it is wonderful that someone, especially with the resources that she has, can relate some of that amazing and hard-to-reach (for most of us) information to us, her fans. She is a wonderful actress and I support her website fully.

    Great video! Fast, delicious, and healthy meal.

  2. I found the demonstration of the salad to be surprisingly good. I can't stand salads but was tempted to try hers.

  3. both the chicken and salad looked super easy and good. Im not a fan of radishes but will look out for fresh fava beans since they seem as easy to fix as edamame. Never thought of eating them that way.
    But bothering to peel a fingerling potato? ugh... they barely have a skin, its yummy and Im too lazy lol.
