Friday, October 9

Janeites in Philadelphia!

From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

"Jane Austen's Brothers and Sisters in the City of Brotherly Love," the 31st-annual general meeting of the Jane Austen Society of North America, runs today through Monday at the Society Hill Sheraton. It will bring more than 600 Janeites to the city that burned bright when she did.

Philadelphia, as it happens, is something of an Austen living history museum. The Historical Society of Philadelphia is home to letters Austen wrote. The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Pennsylvania Hospital house Benjamin West paintings she much admired. Publisher M. Carey (now defunct), with offices at Fourth and Chestnut Streets, printed Emma, the first U.S. edition of an Austen novel. The Library Company of Philadelphia, Rosenbach Museum and Library, and Van Pelt Library at the University of Pennsylvania hold first editions of her novels. (Austen had an Aunt Philadelphia, too.)" - The Philadelphia Inquirer


  1. Anonymous10/10/2009

    Do we know of any site that is blogging the happenings at this event this year? I so wish I can go to the AGM each year but each year it is either finances or prior commitments that stop me from planning and going. Seeing the blogs about the event brings be closer.
