Thursday, October 1

New P&P Film? Not!

Imagine my excitement when I thought for a nano moment that a new irreverent Pride and Prejudice, in the manner of Lost in Austen, was in the works. Then I noticed the other headlines on News Biscuit - "Man arrested after answering airport check-in questions honestly"; "Afghan warlords ‘still not doing their share of the housework’"; "Downing Street denies UK and US are 3,500 miles apart" - and I laughed out loud, realizing that this site was the British version of The Onion.

Not that 30 second episodes consisting of "explosive yet compact scenes of sexual suggestion and aspiration" in between commercials wouldn't be a hoot, BUT ... like most fans, I like my Mr. Darcy in long slow takes.


  1. With so much interest in P&P one wonders why they have not done a regency period "Big Brother" reality show.

    Just imagine if Colin Firth was a guest participant for those lucky enough to be contestants.

    Dream or Nightmare?

  2. Nigel, I think your on to something here. Ha Ha. I would like to have them stay in character as the main challenge. What a hoot that would be.
