Tuesday, October 27

Sexy Samantha and Mr. Darcy Set for Private Lives

Kim Cattrall, who was born in Widnes, England, will appear opposite Matthew MacFadyen next year in Private Lives, a Noel Coward play. The plot revolves around two divorced people who meet again while honeymooning with their new spouses. The play is scheduled to run from March 3, 2010 in the Vaudeville Theatre in London's West End.

Kim is best known for her role as Samantha Jones in Sex in the City. Matthew MacFadyen, as every Janeite knows, played Mr. Darcy opposite Keira Knightley in 2005's Pride and Prejudice.

Speaking of Keira, rumor has it that she is considering playing the role of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. Groans can be heard around the earth, but Keira has managed to draw large audiences to her films. Here's an image of Keira and Audrey Hepburn morphed.

Want to have fun? You can morph your own images at Morph Thing.

Posted by Vic, Jane Austen's World


  1. Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who can stand poor Keira Knightley at all, LOL! I think she might actually be able to play a decent Eliza, but of course that remains to be seen. I heard a rumor that Daniel Craig might be under consideration for the role of Professor Higgins...ultimately that little tidbit is what really interests me about this new My Fair Lady project. Keeping my fingers crossed that the latter rumor is true!

  2. Keira's all right, but I HATE the idea of a MFL remake. I hope it gets dropped.

    How long is "Private Lives" supposed to run? That is, is it a limited run or an open-ended one? There's a chance I might be in England this August . . .

  3. I love Mr. Mcfadden!!!! May I suggest watching him in BBC's Little Dorritt. He was wonderful!

  4. I had no idea Cattrell was British-born!

  5. The pairing of Cattrell and MacFadyen seems off. The age difference does not work for me. Private Lives is a great play. I saw Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in a revival in 1983! Wow. Doubt that this combo will have that electricity but it is still an interesting notion.

    Ewww, Vic you hit a nerve with Keira as Eliz Doolittle. Can she sing or will they just dub it like Audrey? My choice for the role is Anne Hathaway! Are you shocked? Yes, I disliked her as Jane Austen in Becoming Jane, but the girl can sign beautifully. Too bad she's not British. Daniel Craig as Prof Higgins seems intriguing. He does not have to be able to sing for the role, but it helps. I still do not think that any new movie could ever surpass MFL. Why even try?

  6. I’m actually interested in seeing Keira Knightly in My Fair Lady. She surprises me sometimes. I am obsessed with Audrey Hepburn and obviously no one could take her place but I still would like to see how they attempt to present the production in a whole new way…

    The morph thing is freaky...she might pull off looking like Audrey Hepburn and if they find someone to sing for her like they did with Audrey then who knows? It actually might be good.

  7. Don't worry Ruth - I'm a Keira fan to! We definitely seem to be a minority though! Can't say I'm to excited about her being in MFL though...if it's not broke, don't fix it.

  8. I like Kim Cattrall, LOVE Matthew MacFadyen -- just splendid in Little Dorritt -- but she's almost 20 years older than him! That's really jarring to me.

    I like Keira but I'm constantly distracted by her near-anorexic thinness. I actually think Natalie Portman looks more like Audrey, but that's really not the point of the remake, I suppose. Of course filmmakers cannot just leave classics alone, they need to remake them. I dread the day when they decide to remake Casablanca or Gone with the Wind. Daniel Craig would be interesting as Higgins, though. Or how about Hugh Jackman? He can sing.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. BTW, Samantha's last name is Jones, not Harris, in the SATC series and movies.

  11. Thank you, Laura! People who know me know I am a ditz when it comes to names.

  12. I can't stand Kim Cat...she really thinks she's all that...just take a gander at her performance in the awful Lindsay Wagner / Barry Bostwick miniseries ( can't recall the title but it's catchy, does anyone remember ? ) She is still the same now...limited and awful !

    Hopefully, it will be a short run and the wonderful and talented Matthew M. will shake off the experience quickly !

  13. Audrey Hepburn was lovely in "My Fair Lady" but had a voice like a frog and was dubbed by Marnie Nixon. Julie Andrews should have done the movie instead !

    Although I don't like Keira K. generally, she has a nasty edge to her that fits the orginial Eliza D. character well. I think she should spend more of her career playing villians...there, she's perfect !
