Sunday, November 15

Jane Austen Movie Throwdown

We've offered many polls about Jane Austen movie adaptations, but none centered around costumes. Instead of a blanket question, I will hone in on specific costumes. This week we return to that most reliable of JA staples, Pride and Prejudice, more specifically, Elizabeth Bennet. In your estimation,

whose day gowns were the best?

Elizabeth Garvie in Pride and Prejudice 1980

Jennifer Ehle in Pride and Prejudice 1995

Keira Knightley in Pride and Prejudice 2005

Gemma Arterton, Lost in Austen

Whose day gowns were the best?
Elizabeth Garvey, 1980
Jennifer Ehle, 1995
Keira Knightley, 2005
Gemma Arterton, 2008 free polls


  1. This was no problem for pictured one of my two fav costumes Jennifer E. wears in P & P.

    The other one is in the scenes at the ball where she finally relents and dances with Mr. Darcy, against her own promises to herself and her both costumes, she is perfection !!!

  2. Lost in Austen wardrobe design was the nicest to look at but can one dance in them?

    You have no idea how difficult it is for your male partners to avoid stepping on those trailing hems!

    Especially when dancing the battering ram (smiles).

  3. P&P 2005. . . more earthy, less pretty and predictable than the costumes in P&P 95.

  4. I'm not sure which other daygowns they wore but I agree with Nonna, that particular costume worn by Ehle made me stop and stare!

  5. '95, Jennifer Ehle. The costuming in this version is fabulous. I should be acknowledged that the gowns Jane Bennet wears are much nicer than Elizabeth's. As befits her character, Ehle's dress is much more simple while Susannah Harker's gowns are magnificent creations, if lacking the luxury of Miss Bingley's dresses.

    I thought the costuming in the '05 version flawed. The director made the Bennet family too poor (usually we have the opposite problem) and it shows in both the costuming and the conditions at Longbourn. I hate that dark, mens trench coat thing that Keira Knightly wears - it makes her look like a beggar woman, not the daughter of a respectable estate.

  6. Yah! JE won! I love the slightly shinny nature of the costume.

    Bargain with the Devil

  7. Anonymous11/18/2009

    I definately think that Jennifer Ehle in Pride and prejudice wore the best day dresses.
