Saturday, November 21

Six Reasons for Janeites to Watch An Education

1. Because Carey Mulligan (Pride and Prejudice 2005) is said to be outstanding in this film. The role has made her a break-out star. Sensitive, clever, and intelligent films are few and far between. They save the film industry from catering primarily to young males, whose appetites for Transformers, Saw, and 2012 are insatiable.
2. Because Emma Thompson (Sense and Sensibility), the school's head mistress, is in it. 'Nuff said.
3. Because Olivia Williams (Emma, Miss Austen Regrets), who plays a teacher, is a beautiful and intelligent actress whose roles are few and far between.

4. Because Alfred Molina, the father, and Peter Sarsgaard, the older suitor, are always excellent.

5. Because Dominic Cooper (Sense and Sensibility, 2008) is becoming a reliable staple in good films.
6. Because Rosamund Pike's (Pride and Prejudice, 2005) appearances on the big screen, like Olivia Williams', are all too rare.
Posted by Vic, Jane Austen's World


  1. Oh I love Peter Sarsgaard! Have you seen him in Insomnia? Excellent... Thanks for the heads up.

  2. I've loved them all in their respective roles so ... unmissable!

  3. I love them, all! Well, not Dominic, or not yet... and don't know Peter Sarsgaard, maybe I will love him!

  4. Anonymous11/21/2009

    I've watched An Education, and it's a fantastic movie! Smart, insightful and poignant, it's a film I'd definitely recommend everyone to watch.
    And Sally Hawkins ( Anne Elliot in Persuasion 2007) has a tiny part in the film as well.

  5. So many great actors and actresses in this one, more than worth the price of admission, unlike other movies for the most part !

  6. I just walked in from seeing it...excellent. So good, highly recommend. Called my mother & urged her to go with my youngest sister. Immediately. OK, well. They'll go tomorrow.

  7. Saw this movie last week and it was quite entertaining. Never knew Rosamund Pike could play vapid so well! The story actually has an Austenesque quality to it. Carey Mulligan's character is something of a conglomeration of Eleanor and Marianne from S&S--complete with the story being somewhat of an homage to the Marianne/Willoughby relationship with overtones of the Marianne/Brandon relationship (given that Carey M's character is supposed to be 16 and Peter S's character is in his early 30s). The acting from everyone involved was brilliant.

  8. How fun - it really is a tremendous film and I think so many people would enjoy it & hope it continues to expand to more theaters.

    The cast trully is fantastic!! My wife & I both greatly enjoyed it.

  9. Anonymous11/22/2009

    LOL! Basically, there's one reason to watch this film: all kinds of terrific actors and actresses are in it (which is increasingly becoming a rare thing in movies today, unfortunately).

  10. I need an Education! With popcorn and Milk Duds on the side. ha ha

  11. I can not wait to see this movie.

  12. Wow, I hadn't even heard of this movie up until this post. Thanks for featuring it - I'm looking forward to seeing it! :)

  13. Just watched it and I have the irrestible urge to go to Paris, listen to French music and have a cigarette! The cast was wonderful, it had me captivated and movies rarely do that for me anymore!
