Perhaps I am stating the obvious, but a Follow Friday without mentioning this juggernaut Jane Austen site would be foolish in the extreme. I am sure that every Janeite has stumbled across this immense website while cruising along the ether looking for Jane Austen tidbits. Look no more.
Click here and prepare yourself for a prolonged visit.
It's a decent site... albeit a smidge over-moderated. The moderators are a bit over-zealous.
Agreed, Hungarican Chick. The discussions are zealously moderated and I have been cautioned more times than I like. However, the information about Jane Austen and her novels and the regency era is impeccable.
Blimey,Phew!! The Republic of Pemberley seems to be run by an autocratic regime. A cross between my "mother and my teacher." And that's a description by the moderators.
Who needs that?
Well Vic, you are a hardier soul than I am if you have ,"been cautioned more times than I like," and still want to continue. I can't imagine what you could have done wrong to be cautioned by the way.
On the newbies page I told them their site wasn't for me or probably Jane Austen herself. Can you imagine the independent, creative and imaginative mind of Jane Austen being constrained by the moderators on The Pepublic of Pemberley?
I suppose some people get a kick out of behaving in that way. People let them too.
Something perverted is going on here I think.
No, I haven't seen this site before, but I will go check it out. Thanks for sharing!
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