Monday, August 23

Did Jane Austen Visit Tenby?

Gentle Readers: Tony Grant has been on holiday - to Bath and the West Country. His last letter to me was filled with wonderful information and images. Enjoy!
Tenby in the rain

Hi Vic,

Got back from Tenby yesterday.

The weather was wet.

I feel all fired up to write a Bath article for next week if you can forgive me for having disappeared for a while.

The town

While we were in Tenby we went up to the excellent museum they have on Castle Hill. I asked whether Jane Austen had stayed in the town. The people there seemed to think she had. They weren't sure which house she stayed in though. When I pointed out that the only reference to Tenby I have found, is in one letter and that mentions acquaintances going to the seaside resort. It didn't faze them in the museum. Everybody wants to claim Jane, whatever the the slim connection might be it seems.
Tudor merchant's house

Anyway, George Elliott did stay there for a while with her lover and future husband and actually was inspired to begin writing Silas Marner while a resident.Also Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton stayed in one of the town houses inTenby. Edmund Keen, the actor, a favourite of Janes, stopped off while sailing round the coast on his yacht. He was persuaded to perform his, Shylock, in the town theatre for one night.

George Elliot stayed here

There are some beautiful 18th century town houses in Tenby.

Harbour view

Hope everything is well with you.

All the best,

George Elliot stayed here

Posted by Tony Grant, London Calling


  1. Tony,

    what a lovely place, Tenby!

  2. Raquel, it is lovely.

    The whole of the Pembrokeshire coast, 265 miles of it, I think, is a National Park. It's just as beautiful as Cornwall without as many tourists.

  3. To me it looks like a British version of a small Mediterranean fishing village. Lovely and picturesque.

  4. I would love to use that first picture in my own website about Tenby which im in the process of building. Do i have your permission to use that image? I will place a link back to your blog on the links page if thats ok with you. The website URL is Lookign forward to your response.
