Wednesday, September 1

The Elizabeth Bennet Omelet to Serve to Your Very Own Mr. Darcy

Inquiring Readers: XIMENA MAIER is an illustrator from Spain, who also blogs about food and drawings. Combining her passions, she came up with an Elizabeth Bennet omelet and drawing. Ximena kindly gave me permission to publish her post and fabulous illustration.

This is just a silly way to justify making the drawing above. There´s the famous omelette Arnold Bennet, a grand thing involving bechamel and hollandaise sauce, and smoked fish that must be poached. And then there´s a pared-down version in the book Cupboard Love, which the author calls Omelette Gordon Bennet.

And then there´s the even lazier way, which is really more of a frittata but none the worse for that; an omelette of smoked fish, dotted with cream and sprinkled with parmesan, then briefly grilled. It emerges puffed and pretty, and is just the thing for a quick lunch, with buttered brown bread and some salad.

I used smoked mackerel because it´s my new favourite thing, but salmon or trout would do just as well, and look even more girly and sweetly pink.
Etiquetas: quick

Click here to enter Ximena's blog, Lobstersquad


  1. HAHA!!!!!
    I nearly fell off my chair reading that somebody had called an Omelette, "Gordon Bennett."

    I don't know whether you know about Gordon Bennett in the states? I might be telling you something you already use and is in common usage in the States.

    Gordon Bennett was a real person. He was a total idiot. He was the first to publish kiss and tell stuff in his newspaper. He invented the Gutter Press. He even described the first night he spent with his wife.We are talking 1835 ish here Vic.

    In England we use his name like a swear word. If something goes wrong or something terrible happens we Say "GORDON BENNETT!!!" It sounds much better in a cockney accent by the way. I can't do one of those. We had a teacher from your side of the pond with us for a while. She thought I had a south coast,
    " twang."
    I think I sound OK. But there you are.

  2. Oh, how funny! I certainly did not know that about Gordon Bennet. When something goes wrong today, I am going to use his name like a swear word. Thanks, Tondy

  3. I always welcome the opportunity to test out new profanity...

    That is hilarious! One can only wonder what sort of nasty bits could be found in a Gordon Bennett omelet

  4. Heather, I shudder at the thought of Gordon's bits. And Tony, I am sorry for calling you Tondy.

  5. Making omelet's is a Sunday ritual in our home so when I came across your blog post on the Gordon Bennett omelet I just had to have it! We are going to try it next Sunday. Thanks for sharing.
    I enjoy reading your blog.
    Best Wishes,

  6. Oh Vic you had me at hollandaise sauce! I lurve that! ha ha Makes me want to whip up that little meal right this minute! Mmmmmm

  7. How's everybody getting on exclaiming loudly "Gordon Bennet!!!" In a Cockney accent of course? (Think Dick Van Dyke as the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins. He didn't achieve a great Cockney accent, but it will do.)

    Just wondering if it's working for you.
