Saturday, September 4

A Regency Meal

Gentle Readers: Jana from Time Travel Kitchen wrote to say that she prepared a Regency meal. Her menu consisted of Currie of dressed Meat in Casserole of Rice, Carrot Soup, Young Greens, Orange Pudding, and Turnips. Her post starts with:
Lately, I read part of Pride and Prejudice. This particular passage inspired me to take a trip back to Regency times:

The dinner was as well dressed as any I ever saw. The venison was roasted to a turn--and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch. The soup was fifty times better than what we had at the Lucases' last week; and even Mr Darcy acknowledged, that the partridges were remarkably well done; and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least. And, my dear Jane, I never saw you look in greater beauty. Mrs Long said so too, for I asked her whether you did not. -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Read the rest of the post and find Jana's recipes at this link.


  1. Hooray...I am so glad you linked to Jana's charming and clever blog. I have been a delighted reader since I found it !
