Tuesday, September 7

Tony Grant: Posts from London Calling

Gentle Reader, Tony Grant placed a few more posts about his trip to Bath on his own blog, London Calling. They are well worth a visit.

Bath Front Doors

This front door is number 17, The Circus, Bath. Approaching, The Circus, are three roads, Gay Street from the south, where Jane Austen lived for a short while, Bennet Street from the North East, which leads to The Upper Assembly Rooms and Brock Street to the North West which leads to the Royal Crescent. These three roads enter The Circus, dividing this circular road exactly into thirds. Number 17 is in the northern third and is near the entrance to Bennett Street.

It’s situation could not be closer to and was indeed part of the elite residences of Bath in the 18th century. It is also within a minutes walk of The Upper Assembly Rooms where the bright young things of the 18th century and some not so young, danced, gambled, flirted, paraded and generally made a show of themselves. These beautiful young things had time on their hands and many had money to spend.

The resident of number 17 The Circus between 1759 and 1768 was there to take advantage of this situation. He was Thomas Gainsborough an up and coming portrait artist.

Random Bits and Pieces of Bath

I don't know about you, but when I visit a place, I notice interesting, well interesting to me, bits and pieces, and get an overwhelming urge to photograph them.

Here are some photographs from Bath.

All the best,

Click here to see the rest of the photographs ...


  1. I am also an insatiable photographer, looking for interesting lighting, angles, focal points and feelings I have when viewing new or familiar sights. It is so wonderful that you have taken us to so many places that we might not ever get to see in person ourselves...thank you !

  2. Yes, The Circus... and I just walked there to Bennett Street to get to The Upper Assembly Rooms just a few weeks ago, and ... learned about Gainsborough and the chandeliers that nearly fell on him in the Ball Room a month after it was opened. Just posted it: Bath's Persuasion. The photos at London Calling are great!
