Monday, October 11

Lizzy Bennet's Inbox

Mark Brownlow, from Email Marketing, imagined the inbox's emails from some famous characters. The Elizabeth Bennet's inbox is priceless!

Thanking to the people who had commented on his post, Mark said he thought that the jokes would have been modernized to the movies and was surprised to notice how modern they were in the book itself.

You can read the full post in: "Famous inboxes # 4 Miss Elizabeth Bennet "

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Português


  1. Had a good laugh at this! Thanks, made my day!

  2. This is genius! Haha...

  3. Absolutely brilliant!

  4. This is so funny! Wonderful, wonderful idea! :)

  5. This is SUCH a terrific idea! Fun.
    I would love to read the ascerbic Ms. Austen's tweets, or for that matter, Miss Elizabeth Bennet's.
