Saturday, October 23

Thomas Lawrence Makes a Splash at the National Portrait Gallery

The Duke of Wellington
Two articles, one by the Telegraph and one from The Arts Desk describe the new Thomas Lawrence exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery in London in some detail. Thomas Lawrence painted the portraits of the movers and shakers of his era, including Pope Pius VII, Queen Charlotte, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Humprhey Davy, Princess Caroline of Brunswick, the Prince of Wales and other dignitaries familiar to Jane Austen and people who lived in her day.

My only caution to you in reading the two articles is that both reporters/art historians spout off their opinions in describing Lawrence's works that counter my own reaction to his paintings. My philosophy is that the appreciation of art is quite a personal matter, and I urge you to believe your own eyes over someone else's verbal regurgitations.
Queen Charlotte, consort of George III
Exhibit: National Portrait Gallery, London. October 21 - January 23. In addition, read Thomas Lawrence: Regency Power and Brilliance, a review by Richard Holmes in The Guardian, which includes extensive biographical information about the painter.

1 comment:

  1. Meredith R.10/23/2010

    "verbal regurgitations" Hah! thanks for the advice
