Sunday, January 16

Regency/Edwardian Fashion Throwdown

Gentle readers: As you might have noticed, I have had Downton Abbey on my mind. If you haven't watched the series, do tune in tonight on PBS and watch the second installment. If you have fallen behind, you can watch the first episode online at this link. The sets and fashions of this mini-series are simply and outrageously gorgeous.

Your decision this week is rather simple: to decide which period fashions you like best. Edwardian, such as shown in Dowton Abbey, or Regency, as in the recently aired Emma, or both. You decide.

Downtown Abbey Costumes

Emma 2009 costumes

Regency-Edwardian Fashion Throwdown
Edwardian, as in Downton Abbey
Regency, as in Emma
Both. I love costume dramas, period. free polls


  1. It is no co-incidence that women from well off and aristocratic backgrounds wear their finest clothes at the best horse racing events. Remember the outfits Audrey Hepburn wore in My Fair Lady at the Ascot Races. If you go to the Epsom Derby or Ascot today the ladies wear the finest fashions and the most amazing hats.

    The aristocracy do tend to call their women "fillies," and talk about "siring," heirs as though they were stallions and their wives were , well, fillies. They talk about sex as getting into the saddle and riding them, (their wives again), "hell for leather."

    Just thought you would like to know.

    Boorish lot our aristocracy.

  2. Sounds like a soap opera!

  3. I still love Regency fashions more - I love the light, free-flowing muslin gowns. Not a big fan of the bonnets, though...

    I did love the costumes in Downton Abbey as well, but I thought they looked very modern. I was wondering how authentic the fashion in the show was.

  4. I answered both although I lean towards the more comfortable day wear outfits of the Regency Period. I just love costume dramas. I imagine being in all those lovely costumes gets the cast in character faster.

    BTW, I went crazy tonight at 9 P.M. DirectTV had technical problems.I only saw 5 minutes of the second episode, the last scene. Luckily they are repeating it at 1 a.m. and I am TiVo - ing it !!!

  5. Anonymous1/17/2011

    I chose both. I just thin these costume dramas are just gorgeous. Their clothes are just wonderful x

  6. JessicaC1/17/2011

    Lady Mary had on the most luscious grecian-inspired frock in last night's episode. I was drooling!!

  7. I chose both. I love the streamlined look of the early 1800s and early 1900s but not the frills, crinoline and bustle styles in between. I have a reproduction 1910s tea gown bridesmaid dress and it got far more compliments than the standard bridal store modern bridesmaid dresses the others were wearing.

  8. Hands down for me to Downton Abbey! Wasn't that fond of the costumes in the recent Emma although some of the outfits did catch my eye. With regards to Downton, loved almost every outfit (worn by the upstairs folks anyway)!
