Tuesday, February 15

Mr. Darcy in a Heineken Commercial

Oh, dear. Oh, my. Mr. Darcy's Heineken commercial is a bit dependent on, er, hunting.

Heineken Darcy
A crazy commercial video, but only one minute long - and fun! Would you be tempted to purchase this ale after this commercial? (We hope you can access it.)

Graham Rose - Heineken from The Ant Company on Vimeo.

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Português


  1. Anonymous2/15/2011

    LOL: Thanks a lot. I really needed that.

  2. What a hoot, although I'm not sure what it all has to do with the beer! Maybe I missed something while I was laughing.

  3. I guess they've figured that Mr. Darcy's fans would consume their product.
    Poor creatures ... I, only see Mr. Darcy in the video. Nothing else!

  4. WTF? I don't get it. There was a commercial for beer a few years ago (could have been Budweiser?) where the men encouraged their wives to go to a marathon 24 hour film festival for period pieces so that they could drink beer with their buddies. That one I understood but this one????

    Mildly amusing but why are they shooting at each other?

  5. An interesting diversion from the tedium of the day.

  6. What's next ? Lizzie and Charlotte promo-ing Jimmy Choo shoes ?

  7. Made me giggle this morning. Thanks!

  8. I didn't get it either. It was surprising, at first, but then it veered into slapstick. I don't feel any great desire to buy their beer after watching this. I was more upset that they destroyed that lovely room.

  9. We just cracked up! LOL!!!
    Thanks for posting that!
