Wednesday, March 2

The Art of the Mash-up Design Competition: Perfect for the Computer Savvy Janeite Artist

Hello there, design savvy, zombie loving bloggers.

Quirk recently teamed up with the Bridgeman Art Library to create an awesome contest; the Art of the Mash-up Design Competition. Quirk is inviting fans of Quirk Classics to create their own mashed up covers, using the same resource for the fine art and historical images they've used for Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Dawn of the Dreadfuls, Android Karenina, and the upcoming Dreadfully Ever After .
Dawn of the Dreadful Mash-up Cover
The contest wraps up in a little over a week - March 11, 2011. The prizes are pretty amazing.
  • The grand-prize package includes entrance to the HOW Design Conference in Chicago and a feature in GD USA Magazine!
  • Quirk's favorites will be featured in a First Friday gallery show at Brave New Worlds in Philadelphia .
For more information on how to enter, click on this link to visit

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