Friday, March 18

Friday Find: Fashion Blogs

Experiments in Elegance is a blog focused almost entirely on Regency Fashion. It is well worth a visit.Although the blog is only two years old, Antonia posts frequently and her images are outstanding - as is the dress she has made, based on Princess Charlotte's Russian Jumper dress.
Antonia in her jumper dress.
The Regency Project follows a sewing project in which Anea of The Anea Project makes a Regency gown in the transitional style from round gown to narrow empire.

Anea in a dress based on Regency models
19th Century Fashion provides a timeline with thumbnails of fashions for that year. This website provides an organized, easy to use overview of 19th century fashion.
Fashion timeline with "live" thumbnails

1 comment:

  1. What great photos - thank you for sharing.
