Tuesday, March 22

Sense and Sensibility Brazilian First Edition

This lovely and fragile book is the first edition of Sense and Sensibility, or Razão e sentimento, in Brazilian Portuguese, published by José Olympio Press in 1944. It was translated by Dinah Silveira de Queiroz (1911-1982), author of several books and the second woman to hold a chair at the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Portugues


  1. Hello--

    Glad to find your site. Perhaps you'll take a look at mine-- reviews of 111 of my favorite books, in 111 words each (most recently Emma!). Leave a comment if you feel so inclined!


  2. Wow, Jane's popularity extended to the southern Hemisphere so early! I wonder what Jane would thought of Brazilian wax etc.

    Bargain with the Devil

  3. Dear Enid,

    I think she would like it!
