Friday, April 8

Follow Friday

The husband of a Jane Austen reader of my blog, Jane Austen's World, wrote to say that " She found it funny that another person had the same - if not better - idea for that banner, although mine is still a work in progress."
Jane Austen's World banner
I hurried over to his blog, Vague Rant, and found his re-interpretation of the misty scene to be ironic and original. I wrote back to say that Jane would have found this situation funny, which is why I am such a big fan of hers. He agreed. Both banners evoke what our blogs are about.

Vague Rant banner
Another blog had changed the same generic scene into a GIF image with branches swaying in the wind and leaves falling. I was unable to reproduce that image (or recall which blog had made the change.) Upon seeing it three years ago, I realized that I could alter the banner to suit the theme of my blog.

Generic blog banner
Have you noticed similar alterations? Inquiring minds want to know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I like the link and the fact that you keep to your theme on one end and post about life on the other.
    I do that too! Oh, and it's VagueRant pronounced "vagrant".
    Puns make for fun ;o)
