Tuesday, April 26

Watch the Royal Wedding on YouTube!

Gentle Readers, blog contributer, Raquel Sallaberry, contributed this YouTube invitation to the Royal Wedding. Will you be watching? I will take a peek before work, but alas and alack, I must pay the mortgage and for the kibbles and bits my dog swallows by the pound, and shall have only an hour or two to see the festivities.


  1. I'm TiVo-ing the entire event from the BBC America channel to watch at a more reasonable hour...Coverage starts at 3 a.m. EST...too early for me !!!

  2. I'm with you, Nonna!

  3. Well. I'm actually going to take the train up to Waterloo and walk over to The Mall. I'll get as many photographs as possible. I'll post the best ones.
    If I can fight through the crowds to Westminster Abbey I'll get there too.

    All the best,

    PS I'll wave at any cameras around so you might see me.
