Sunday, May 22

Lyme's Literary Links

"Politely drew back and stopped to give them way." Persuasion illustration. Brock illustrates the moment Anne Elliot meets William Elliot on the Cobb in Lyme Regis.  Image @Wikimedia Commons
The Lyme Regis Museum now has a blog! One of its announcements might interest our friends across the Pond:

Thursday 26 May 2.30pm - LYME’S LITERARY LINKS: David Coates will talk about great literary figures who have been inspired by and lived and worked in Lyme. Jane Austen, who wrote about Lyme in Persuasion, and John Fowles in French Lieutenant’s Woman are the most notable, but also children’s author and illustrator Beatrix Potter, who came to Lyme in 1904 and wrote about the town in Little Pig Robinson; J R R Tolkein, author of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, who regularly visited Lyme for his summer holidays between 1905 and 1910; Henry Fielding, novelist and playwright, who visited Lyme as a young man and tried to elope with a 15-year-old heiress; Francis Palgrave, poet and editor of the poetry anthology Golden Treasury; P G Wodehouse, G K Chesterton and Ivy Compton-Burnett.

Lyme Regis Museum

1 comment:

  1. I think John Fowles House is open to the public. The Magus is a disturbing book but all his books were disturbing in some way.

    I wish I could go but it's NEXT THURSDAY and about 150 miles away. I'm working next week.

