Tuesday, May 24

Sense and Sen­si­bi­lity, Octo­ber or Novem­ber? part 2

Last February I wrote a post for Jane Austen Today about the discrepancy of a publication date for Sense and Sen­si­bi­lity: Octo­ber or Novem­ber?

I continue having doubts, but reading the Laura Engels' introduction to Sense and Sensibility, Barnes & Noble edition, while it does not provide certainty, it is at least an explanation. What caught my attention in the Introduction (picture below) was this excerpt:

"The inicial advertisement for the novel, which appeared in the Morning Chronicle on 31, 1811, refers to the author as 'A Lady'."

Indeed, the book should have been printed when it was announced and I only regret not having found a newspaper picture on that date. With this information I figured that the Cambridge edition [¹] possibly chose the advertising date - October - as the publication date. An Oxford edition chose the month of November, for reasons unknown to me..

[¹] Note that the date of Cambridge issue is Oct. 30th, and the advertising on the Morning Chronicle says 31 October. Would there have been advertising in other newspapers on October 30?

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Portugues


  1. Good eye Vic, good eye!

  2. Thank you, ChaChaneen, but it was Raquel's fine mind that pondered about this discrepancy!

  3. ChaChaneen

    I love when I find these little discrepancies!
