Saturday, June 25

Jane Austen's Regency World Magazine: A New Issue

The July/August 2011 issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine is now on sale and has been mailed to subscribers.

In the new issue:

JANE AUSTEN FESTIVAL IN BATH A preview of the exciting programme lined up for September

THEATRICAL PAINTINGS The amazing set of costumed portraits collected by Somerset Maugham is now in safe hands

COAST DELIGHTS How Jane Austen depicts the seaside in her novels

FORGOTTEN BROTHER Maggie Lane traces the life of George Austen, Jane’s little-known brother

LUNAR RIOTS The day a Georgian society in Birmingham was attacked by a mob

WHEN WE ARE GONE How did Cassandra handle Jane’s legacy, and what about ours?

JANE’S MEN Our favourite author was not only an expert on women, she had a strong insight into the minds of men

Plus: All the latest news from the world of Jane Austen, as well as letters, book reviews, quiz, competition and news from JAS and JASNA.

Jane Austen’s Regency World will be at the following events, and look forward to meeting many subscribers, old and new:

July 9 &10 Jane Austen Festival, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Sept 17 Jane Austen Festival, Bath, UK (country fayre)

Oct 13-15 JASNA AGM, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

For further information, and to subscribe, visit:

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