Saturday, October 29

In Willoughby's Arms - Illustrated Books

I have a few illustrated Sense and Sensibility books, but not all of them have the scene with Willoughby carrying Marianne after her fall.  Except for the C. E. Brock watercolor that I've picked up from Mollands, the rest of the illustrations are photographs of my Jane Austen collection.

Design and paint: C. E. Brock  - RittenHouse Classics
Watercolor: C. E. Brock
Painting: A. A. Dixon - Collins Clear-Type  (I have doubts about the technique, if someone can identify it, please let us know. Thank you.)
Pen and ink: Bessie Darling Inglis - Thomas Nelson & Sons
Woodcut: Joan Hassall - The Folio Society, 1958

Contributed by : Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Portugues


  1. What does this say to us nowadays? Men carrying women!!!!!!

    Is this something you would expect your man to do??

    I know I've said this in another post but my first reaction is that these pictures bring back thoughts of my suffering with back ache over the years and than secondly, is this how women like to be treated in the 21st century?

  2. Ah, Tony. You are ever so practical!
